AMP: Hofstra University's digilit magazine

Our submissions window is now closed for the current issue. 

We welcome submissions of poetry, short prose, experimental prose, innovative and hybrid (cross-genre) texts, video poems and literary videos. Our submissions window is generally late August through December 1. We publish annually each spring.

Please use Submittable to withdraw any work that has been accepted elsewhere and resubmit any work you'd still like us to consider

Please send up to ten pages of previously unpublished text, or text with still art (original photographs or drawings) in one document. If text formatting is important to your work, please submit it as a pdf or jpg. 

Videos should be no longer than 10 minutes. While we like MP4 best, we can accept 3gp, avi, m4v, mov, mp3 or mpg.

Include a brief bio as the cover page of text submission and add your name and email address to each page of your work. Video submissions should include this information (a brief bio, your name and email address) on the Submittable entry form. 

We only consider text that has not appeared previously in print or electronic form. Current Hofstra University students and recent alumni are not eligible to submit work.

Thanks! We look forward to you.

AMP: always electric